Your Lack of Imagination Can Kill You …but you can be saved by math
Here is my TEDxBryantU talk on Skepticism, Probability, and the Guide to Proper Thinking! Even useful for analyzing broken clocks.
#critical thinking
Here is my TEDxBryantU talk on Skepticism, Probability, and the Guide to Proper Thinking! Even useful for analyzing broken clocks.
#critical thinking
In Part 1 of this post I walk through a powerful, but false, story of a vindicated math prodigy. When the article stated…
”No. I gave you that option already …
#critical thinking
Stories are a powerful influence on thinking. It is pretty clear that humans communicate best in narratives, and the more that you can use stories to explain a concept the …
#critical thinking
In the October issue of Significance magazine, an article called “Why facts are not enough in the fight against fake news” by Brian Tarran resonated with some of the things …
#critical thinking