Gravitational Attraction
What would happen if two people out in space a few meters apart, abandoned by their spacecraft, decided to wait until gravity pulled them together? My initial thought was that …
This talk explores the variety of projects Professor Blais has had involving undergraduate research students. The projects span a wide range of topics from the zombie apocalypse, three-sided coins, and brain modeling but have common features in probability, statistics, and simulation. Also covered will be the process for picking a topic in the first place, what the steps are for doing research, and the timeline for an honors thesis.
Blais, B.S. Probability and God. Link to PDF here
In this talk, I will present a framework for rational inquiry based on probability theory. Probability theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with uncertainty and how to reason about it. I will explain the basic concepts and principles of probability, and how they can be applied to any domain of interest, including theology, the study of the nature of God and religious beliefs. I will explore some of the key theological concepts, such as belief, faith, miracles, and the existence of God, and how they can be analyzed using probability. I will also compare and contrast the scientific method with other ways of acquiring knowledge, such as revelation and intuition. My aim is to provide a clear and consistent way of thinking about these topics, and to reveal the hidden assumptions and implications of various theological arguments. Along the way, I will demonstrate some surprising and counterintuitive results that arise from probability theory, and how they can lead to errors in reasoning.
The BCM principles of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity are sufficient to model the ocular dominance shifts underlying the development of and recovery from amblyopia. The importance of the dichoptic masks and contrast disparity levels on the efficacy of the binocular therapy model suggests that these parameters require precise refinement to optimize amblyopia recovery.
Full notes on the Bayesian approach to statistical evidence can be found here.