Category: religion


Response to Oxford Mathematician [John Lennox] DESTROYS Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy!)

A friend of mine recently sent me this video to get a response. I haven't done a deep dive into this for a while, so I figured I'd go through …



Reproducing Richard Carrier's Calculations

It is said that a published work without the code is little more than an advertisement. It is for this reason that I try to make sure that I publish …



What would I expect to be in the Bible?

I've read the entire Bible twice, the most recent time this past year. Both times I was underwhelmed by the content in the book. It had so much barbarism, and …


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Some More Comments on Undesigned Coincidences

An "undesigned coincidence" is used in an argument for the reliability of the Gospels, notable by Jonathan McLatchie, Tim McGrew and Lydia McGrew, and is defined as

When you have …


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Why the fine tuning argument is not convincing to me (Part 1 of 2)

The fine-tuning argument is an argument in philosophy and cosmology that suggests the existence of a fine-tuned universe points towards the existence of a intelligent designer or a purpose behind …



Claims are not (always) evidence

Here's my short rambling rant about the claims-evidence distinction. In a number of debates, but more famously this one with Jonathan McLatchie, Matt Dillahunty states that "claims are not evidence …



Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence a probabilistic analysis

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan

I think no pithy quote has caused so much angst with apologists than this one from Carl Sagan, directed in particular to religious …



Probability and the Independence of Testimony

In a previous post I examined a simple model of the interaction of testimony with scientific inquiry, and how it can affect the probabilities of the truth of miracle claims …



The "God" of the Philosophers Is Empty

So I recently had a bit of a discussion which ended somewhat abruptly with complaints of category errors on my part and implied scientism. The initial Tweet was:

https://twitter …


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Why undesigned coincidences are not compelling to me

An "undesigned coincidence" is used in an argument for the reliability of the Gospels, notable by Jonathan McLatchie, Tim McGrew and Lydia McGrew, and is defined as

When you have …



Sometimes more testimony is worse. Scientific methods impact source reliability

When asked the question raised by McLatchie,

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I would have to say that new testimony does not raise my probability for a miracle, mostly because all prior attempts to do …



Sometimes there really isn't enough evidence to believe a claim

A particular response has now happened twice in an ongoing discussion about extraordinary claims, and I felt I needed to think about it more deeply. The response is, essentially, that …



Ongoing Conversation with Jonathan McLatchie including what would convince me, a visit from Jean Luc Picard, and more

I'd like to thank Jonathan McLatchie for the detailed response to my two-part response.

If you're following along, we have:
