Response to Oxford Mathematician [John Lennox] DESTROYS Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy!)
A friend of mine recently sent me this video to get a response. I haven't done a deep dive into this for a while, so I figured I'd go through …
A friend of mine recently sent me this video to get a response. I haven't done a deep dive into this for a while, so I figured I'd go through …
It is said that a published work without the code is little more than an advertisement. It is for this reason that I try to make sure that I publish …
I've had my disagreements with Jonathan McLatchie a few times, some of it here, and now there is another interview Bayesian Probability and Intelligent Design: A Beginner's Guide that someone …
I've read the entire Bible twice, the most recent time this past year. Both times I was underwhelmed by the content in the book. It had so much barbarism, and …
An "undesigned coincidence" is used in an argument for the reliability of the Gospels, notable by Jonathan McLatchie, Tim McGrew and Lydia McGrew, and is defined as
When you have …
So I listened to the Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz where Fr. Mike Schmitz reads the entire bible across 365 days. I had read the Bible …
The fine-tuning argument is an argument in philosophy and cosmology that suggests the existence of a fine-tuned universe points towards the existence of a intelligent designer or a purpose behind …
Here's my short rambling rant about the claims-evidence distinction. In a number of debates, but more famously this one with Jonathan McLatchie, Matt Dillahunty states that "claims are not evidence …
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan
I think no pithy quote has caused so much angst with apologists than this one from Carl Sagan, directed in particular to religious …
In a previous post I examined a simple model of the interaction of testimony with scientific inquiry, and how it can affect the probabilities of the truth of miracle claims …
So I recently had a bit of a discussion which ended somewhat abruptly with complaints of category errors on my part and implied scientism. The initial Tweet was:
https://twitter …
In this YouTube episode, Bad Apologetics Ep 18 - Bayes Machine goes BRRRRRRRRR I join Nathan Ormond, Kamil Gregor, and James Fodor to discuss Timothy and Lydia McGrew's article in The …
In this YouTube episode, Bad Apologetics Ep 18 - Bayes Machine goes BRRRRRRRRR I join Nathan Ormond, Kamil Gregor, and James Fodor to discuss Timothy and Lydia McGrew's article in The …
An "undesigned coincidence" is used in an argument for the reliability of the Gospels, notable by Jonathan McLatchie, Tim McGrew and Lydia McGrew, and is defined as
When you have …
When asked the question raised by McLatchie,
I would have to say that new testimony does not raise my probability for a miracle, mostly because all prior attempts to do …
In this YouTube episode, Bad Apologetics Ep 18 - Bayes Machine goes BRRRRRRRRR I join Nathan Ormond, Kamil Gregor, and James Fodor to discuss Timothy and Lydia McGrew's article in The …
In this week's Unbelievable Podcast the topic was miracles. I've written about miracles a number of times, but there always seems to something new to say. In this episode, the …
A particular response has now happened twice in an ongoing discussion about extraordinary claims, and I felt I needed to think about it more deeply. The response is, essentially, that …
I'd like to thank Jonathan McLatchie for the detailed response to my two-part response.
If you're following along, we have:
In the Unbelievable podcast episode Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? Jonathan McLatchie vs Jonathan Pearce I was struck by several claims and points, especially made by Jonathan McLatchie. I …
In the Unbelievable podcast episode Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence? Jonathan McLatchie vs Jonathan Pearce I was struck by several claims and points, especially made by Jonathan McLatchie. I …