Category: math


Stats 101 Examples with MCMC Part 2 Estimating mean with unknown 𝜎

This is another in the series of "Statistics 101" examples solved with MCMC. The previous in the series can be found here. In all of these posts I'm going to …



Stats 101 Examples with MCMC Estimating mean with known 𝜎

I'd like to walk through some of the "Statistics 101" examples (e.g. estimating \(\mu\) with known \(\sigma\), estimating a proportion, etc...) for which we have simple analytical solutions, but …



Probability - It's Not Just about the Math

When I first learned probability, I thought it was all about math and counting. Then E. T. Jaynes showed me that probability forms the foundation of rationality itself. Remarkably very …



If at first you don't succeed (for 50 times) you might reconsider

Here's a straightforward problem from Quora - probably found in a textbook - but I try to find a new direction to make it more interesting.

If there is a 25% chance …
