Design, the Origin of Life, and Creationism

In #wordpress_migration

I just listened to a recent Unbelievable podcast, an episode about the origin of life.  The creationist made the claim that all of the scientific attempts at a naturalistic, non-design method for creating the initial life on the planet have met with dead ends.  He further added that this should make one start considering supernatural, design methods for creating the initial life.

Aside from not understanding science, a question stuck in my head, and I think the answer really shows the hand of these so-called intelligence design "scientists" as religionists in disguise.  The question is the following:

Once you rule out all of the naturalistic, non-design explanations [which we haven't, by the way], and if design is so evident in the biological molecules, then the next step should be to consider and rule out naturalistic design explanations…i.e. alien life designed life on this planet.  

Why is this explanation never raised by ID proponents?  They claim that the "designer" is not, necessarily, God yet I never see them rule out alien minds as the designers.  They jump from naturalistic, non-design right over to supernatural "explanations".  I think, when pressed, they would have to deal with alien design, and their true nature.