Gravitational Attraction
What would happen if two people out in space a few meters apart, abandoned by their spacecraft, decided to wait until gravity pulled them together? My initial thought was that …
I am a to-do list app junkie, unfortunately. Actually, beyond that, I am a productivity method junkie. Of course, I recognize that in doing so I often make myself less productive. Still it's a hard interest to shake. Further, I find that when I switch to-do apps it makes it easier to throw out all kinds of items which I wasn't going to do anyway. So I feel like I get a burst of productivity simply by switching to-do apps every 6 months to a year. Here is a short list of the to-do apps I have tried, and some quick comments on them:
I've also tried, and rejected for various reasons:
This year, I am going to try out an analog solution with bullet journal, once I figure out how it works. I'll report on what I find!