Lessons from Jon Acuff's book Finish

In #productivity

Here are the lessons I learned from Jon Acuff's book Finish.

  1. Cut Your Goal in Half
    • half done is better than none, psychologically
  2. Choose what to bomb
    • what gives? something will, and that's ok. it's called "seasons".
    • just say "no"
    • simplify
  3. Make it fun if you want it done
    • give yourself rewards. This is also in "The Power of Habit"
  4. get rid of secret rules
    • avoid rules like "I'm not a ...."
  5. use data to celebrate imperfect progress
    • track time, pages, words
    • track miles run, pounds
    • books sold, thank you notes mailed
    • new contacts, books read
  6. the day before done
    • other ideas creep in - write them down for later, and don't let them derail you.
    • these ideas are your next project!
    • afraid of finishing? don't be!

It seems to be related to the Art of Charm toolbox podcast episode If Quality Is What You Want, Focus on Quantity (Episode 683)