Why Christian Apologetics is Faulty Science and Faulty History

In #religion #history #physics #media

In this episode I join Andrew and Matthew to discuss The Fine Tuning Argument, The Second Law of Thermodynamics, contingency, evidence for the Christian claim of a historical resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, and other topics found in Justin Brierley's book Unbelievable?: Why After Ten Years of Talking With Atheists, I'm Still a Christian. As you listen, you can decide for yourself whether Christian Apologetics draws appropriate conclusions from the best science of today. And, you will also have a meaningful guide if you read Justin's book.

This podcast episode can be obtained at

  • On Anchor: https://anchor.fm/still-unbelievable/episodes/Episode-13-Why-Christian-Apologetics-is-Faulty-Science-and-Faulty-History-e42ldg
  • On iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-13-why-christian-apologetics-is-faulty-science/id1448210557?i=1000438714893