Reproducing Richard Carrier's Calculations

In #religion

It is said that a published work without the code is little more than an advertisement. It is for this reason that I try to make sure that I publish all of the code needed reproduce any work that I do, and encourage all researchers to do the same.

I recently had to go through Richard Carrier's In Richard Carrier’s On the Historicity of Jesus[@carrier2014historicity] the author calculates the probability of the historicity of Jesus, P(h)P(h), and Jesus mythicism, P(¬h)P(\neg h). Although his numbers are sometimes based on quantitative estimates, many are not. His probability is contained in the summary tables in his book.[@carrier2014historicity, p. 597]. Unfortunately, the tables are all scattered through the book and he doesn't explicitly lay out the equations for the final calculation. Here, as an exercise, I show his full calculation and in the process developed some Python code to make such calculations and their presentation easier.

Note that the term ‘prior probability’ here depends on what one calls evidence – the posterior of one calculation becomes the prior for the next – because it is ‘prior’ to new evidence. Unlike Carrier, we prefer to make explicit the evidence used at all steps, even from the start.

Summary of Carrier's Prior

Carrier’s prior probability is based on a reference class consisting of two defining features,

  • e1e_1 - the reference class member is a person from Mediterranean Antiquity,
  • e2e_2 - the reference class member is a Rank-Raglan hero.

Here Carrier uses a set of 14 Rank-Raglan heroes and proceeds to calculate the probability of historicity in two ways: a charitable-to-historicity calculation (a fortiori) with 4 out of the 14 historical and a non-charitable calculation (a judicantiori) with 0 out of the 14 historical. The data Carrier uses for these cases is shown in the following table:

a fortiori a judicantiori
Historical Nh=4N_h=4 Nh=0N_h=0
Non-historical Nm=10N_m=10 Nm=14N_m=14
Total N=14N=14 N=14N=14

Carrier then applies Laplace's Rule of Succession[@Jaynes2003] to calculate the relevant probabilities. Laplace's Rule of Succession arises from the process of estimating a proportion, θ\theta, given ss "successes" out of NN total samples (e.g. flipping ss heads out of a total NN flips of a coin). The mean value of the proportion, θ\theta, assuming a uniform distribution for θ\theta is

θˉ=s+1N+2 \begin{aligned} \bar{\theta}= \frac{s+1}{N+2} \end{aligned}

Intuitively, this is the fraction of successes one would observe if, in addition to the actual data, we have one extra "success" and one extra "failure".

Applied to Carrier’s own calculations, we get a charitable-to-historicity (a fortiori) calculation: P(he1,e2)=Nh+1N+2=4+114+2=0.311/3 (rounded up)P(h|e_1,e_2) = \frac{N_h+1}{N+2}=\frac{4+1}{14+2}=0.31 \sim 1/3\text{ (rounded up)} We also get a non-charitable (a judicantiori) calculation: P(he1,e2)=Nh+1N+2=0+114+2=0.06P(h|e_1,e_2) = \frac{N_h+1}{N+2}=\frac{0+1}{14+2}=0.06

An alternate method

Another way to do the same calculation (giving the same result, as expected) is to write out a full Bayes' theorem formulation for P(he1,e2)P(h|e_1,e_2), and using an uninformative prior on hh given that we're talking about people from Mediterranean antiquity, P(he1)=P(¬he1)=0.5P(h|e_1)=P(\neg h|e_1)=0.5. In this formulation, the Rank-Raglan feature (e2e_2) is now evidence and Carrier's "prior" is a posterior on that evidence. This has the advantage of being able to handle some data that is independent of e2e_2 and some that is dependent on e2e_2 which we will see below.

As a matter of process, we choose to calculate Bayes' Theorem in three steps as described in [@Blais:2014aa]:

  1. calculate just the numerators for all models
  2. calculate the total probability (i.e. denominator) from the sum of the numerators
  3. divide each numerator by the total probability, yielding the final posterior probabilities

We find this makes the layout of the calculation more consistent and clear, and as a bonus, we rely less on posterior ratios.

  1. P(he1,e2)P(e2h,e1)(Nh+1N+2)P(he1)1/2P(¬he1,e2)P(e2¬h,e1)(Nm+1N+2)P(¬he1)1/2\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \underbrace{P(e_2|h,e_1)}_{\left(\frac{N_h+1}{N+2}\right)} \cdot \underbrace{P(h|e_1)}_{1/2}\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \underbrace{P(e_2|\neg h,e_1)}_{\left(\frac{N_m+1}{N+2}\right)} \cdot \underbrace{P(\neg h|e_1)}_{1/2}\\ \end{aligned} P(he1,e2)(Nh+1N+2)1/2(4+114+2)1/2=0.1562P(¬he1,e2)(Nm+1N+2)1/2(10+114+2)1/2=0.3438\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \left(\frac{N_h+1}{N+2}\right) \cdot 1/2\\ & \sim \left(\frac{4+1}{14+2}\right) \cdot 1/2 = 0.1562\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \left(\frac{N_m+1}{N+2}\right) \cdot 1/2\\ & \sim \left(\frac{10+1}{14+2}\right) \cdot 1/2 = 0.3438\\ \end{aligned}
  2. Tdenominator=0.1562+0.3438=0.5000\begin{aligned} T_{\text{denominator}}&=0.1562 + 0.3438 = 0.5000\end{aligned}
  3. P(he1,e2)=0.1562/0.5000=0.3125P(¬he1,e2)=0.3438/0.5000=0.6875\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2)& =0.1562/0.5000=0.3125\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)& =0.3438/0.5000=0.6875\\ \end{aligned}

This approach yields identical results -- as it should.^[E.T. Jaynes refers to this as "equivalent states of knowledge must have equivalent probability assignments."]

Carrier's Original Posterior Calculation

For completeness we show the result of Carrier's original posterior calculation, using evidence he presents in [@carrier2014historicity], which we denote as {ci}\{c_i\}. While Carrier's prior probability calculation was based on counts of texts, the rest of his calculations come from his personal judgments on specific aspects of the texts. His calculations involve looking at Extrabiblical texts, Acts of the Apostles, the Gospels, and the Epistles of Paul. He further assumes the statistical independence of all of these individual judgments, which may be questionable. We won't explore these problems here, but proceed to reproduce his calculation as-is. The procedure is then

  • list off each individual likelihood ratio P(cih)/P(ci¬h)P(c_i|h)/P(c_i|\neg h), for each piece of Carrier's judgments cic_i,
  • multiply them all, assuming independence
  • multiply by the prior odds ratio to get the posterior odds ratio
  • convert to the probability of historicity, P(he1,e2,{ci})P(h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})

The following table shows each prior or likelihood ratio for this entire process, both for the charitable and the uncharitable calculations.

a fortiori a judicantiori Source
c1:=c_{1} := prior (e1e_1,e2e_2) 1/2 1/15 Prior
c2:=c_{2} := Twin traditions 4/5 1/2 Extrabiblical
c3:=c_{3} := Documentary silence 1 1 Extrabiblical
c4:=c_{4} := 1 Clement 4/5 1/2 Extrabiblical
c5:=c_{5} := Ignatius and Ascension of Isaiah 4/5 1/2 Extrabiblical
c6:=c_{6} := Papias 1 1 Extrabiblical
c7:=c_{7} := Hegesippus 9/10 4/5 Extrabiblical
c8:=c_{8} := Josephus 1 1 Extrabiblical
c9:=c_{9} := Pliny 1 1 Extrabiblical
c10:=c_{10} := Tacitus 1 1 Extrabiblical
c11:=c_{11} := Suetonius 1 1 Extrabiblical
c12:=c_{12} := Thallus 1 1 Extrabiblical
c13:=c_{13} := Lack of gainsaying witnesses 1 1 Extrabiblical
c14:=c_{14} := Vanishing family et al. 4/5 2/5 Acts
c15:=c_{15} := Omissions in Paul's trials 9/10 1/2 Acts
c16:=c_{16} := Remainder of Acts 1 1 Acts
c17:=c_{17} := Reasons 1 1 Gospels
c18:=c_{18} := Other canonical Epistles 4/5 3/5 Epistles
c19:=c_{19} := Gospels in Paul, Hebrews, Colossians 3/5 2/5 Epistles
c20:=c_{20} := Things Jesus said 1 1 Epistles
c21:=c_{21} := The Eucharist (1 Cor. 11.23-26) 1 1 Epistles
c22:=c_{22} := Things Jesus did 3/4 1/2 Epistles
c23:=c_{23} := Made from sperm 2 1 Epistles
c24:=c_{24} := Made from a woman 2 1 Epistles
c25:=c_{25} := Brothers of the Lord 2 1/2 Epistles

a fortiori calculation,

  • Posterior ratio P(he1,e2,{ci})P(¬he1,e2,{ci})=186624390625 \frac{P(h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})}{P(\neg h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})}=\frac{186624}{390625}
  • Posterior probabilities P(he1,e2,{ci})=186624577249=0.323P(¬he1,e2,{ci})=390625577249=0.677\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})&=\frac{186624}{577249}=0.323\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})&=\frac{390625}{577249}=0.677\\ \end{aligned}

a judicantiori calculation

  • Posterior ratio P(he1,e2,{ci})P(¬he1,e2,{ci})=112500 \frac{P(h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})}{P(\neg h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})}=\frac{1}{12500}
  • Posterior probabilities P(he1,e2,{ci})=112501=0.000080P(¬he1,e2,{ci})=1250012501=0.999920\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})&=\frac{1}{12501}=0.000080\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2,\left\{c_i\right\})&=\frac{12500}{12501}=0.999920\\ \end{aligned} This reproduces the numbers Carrier presents.

The Python code

One thing about this calculation is that it is fairly long and quite tedious. There are a number of places it can go wrong. Updating with new data becomes a challenge of bookkeeping, and it is a challenge to make sure that the equations written match the data and the numerical results without typos or missing terms. This is the sort of thing that computers do quite well - tedious and systematic calculations and presentations.

I put all the code here:

The code allows me to do:

PP={'h|e_1,e_2':[ ['e_2|h,e_1',LS(N_h,N),['N_h','N']],
    '\\neg h|e_1,e_2':[ 
            ['e_2|\\neg h,e_1',LS(N_m,N),['N_m','N']],
            ['\\neg h|e_1',F(1,2),'1/2']


to generate Markdown with all of the steps written out, and the calculations done:

1. $$\begin{aligned}
P(h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \underbrace{P(e_2|h,e_1)}_{\left(\frac{N_h+1}{N+2}\right)} \cdot \underbrace{P(h|e_1)}_{1/2}\\
P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \underbrace{P(e_2|\neg h,e_1)}_{\left(\frac{N_m+1}{N+2}\right)} \cdot \underbrace{P(\neg h|e_1)}_{1/2}\\
P(h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \left(\frac{N_h+1}{N+2}\right) \cdot 1/2\\
 & \sim \left(\frac{4+1}{14+2}\right) \cdot 1/2 = 0.1562\\
P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \left(\frac{N_m+1}{N+2}\right) \cdot 1/2\\
 & \sim \left(\frac{10+1}{14+2}\right) \cdot 1/2 = 0.3438\\
2. $$\begin{aligned}
T_{\text{denominator}}&=0.1562 + 0.3438 = 0.5000\end{aligned}$$
3. $$\begin{aligned}
P(h|e_1,e_2)& =0.1562/0.5000=0.3125\\
P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)& =0.3438/0.5000=0.6875\\

which looks like

  1. P(he1,e2)P(e2h,e1)(Nh+1N+2)P(he1)1/2P(¬he1,e2)P(e2¬h,e1)(Nm+1N+2)P(¬he1)1/2\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \underbrace{P(e_2|h,e_1)}_{\left(\frac{N_h+1}{N+2}\right)} \cdot \underbrace{P(h|e_1)}_{1/2}\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \underbrace{P(e_2|\neg h,e_1)}_{\left(\frac{N_m+1}{N+2}\right)} \cdot \underbrace{P(\neg h|e_1)}_{1/2}\\ \end{aligned} P(he1,e2)(Nh+1N+2)1/2(4+114+2)1/2=0.1562P(¬he1,e2)(Nm+1N+2)1/2(10+114+2)1/2=0.3438\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \left(\frac{N_h+1}{N+2}\right) \cdot 1/2\\ & \sim \left(\frac{4+1}{14+2}\right) \cdot 1/2 = 0.1562\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)&\sim \left(\frac{N_m+1}{N+2}\right) \cdot 1/2\\ & \sim \left(\frac{10+1}{14+2}\right) \cdot 1/2 = 0.3438\\ \end{aligned}
  2. Tdenominator=0.1562+0.3438=0.5000\begin{aligned} T_{\text{denominator}}&=0.1562 + 0.3438 = 0.5000\end{aligned}
  3. P(he1,e2)=0.1562/0.5000=0.3125P(¬he1,e2)=0.3438/0.5000=0.6875\begin{aligned} P(h|e_1,e_2)& =0.1562/0.5000=0.3125\\ P(\neg h|e_1,e_2)& =0.3438/0.5000=0.6875\\ \end{aligned} Enjoy!