Books that I have written.
Books that I have written.
Podcasts and Videos in which I have appeared or which I have created.
Dynamical systems simulation in Python. Includes both continuous and stochastic simulation.
An introductory stats book from a Bayesian perspective, including Python software.
This is very typical of "science" that doesn't work. You get a group of devout people supporting it who claim that the scientific establishment is unfair …
In Sam Harris’ talk on free will, we have the following comment:
“if we caught a serial killer, we’d assume his responsibility because of his ability to have chosen …
I tell my students that I supremely hope that they have the experience of one of their cherished ideas shown to be wrong. I was recently confronted with a perception …
Stephen Law vs Alvin Plantinga on the Unbelievable podcast on the topic of the "The Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism".
Basic argument, from Wikipedia on Evolutionary argument against naturalism
I haven't …
I was asked recently if I thought there was anything good about religion. I felt it was an important enough question to give it a fair amount of thought. Coincidentally …
In the article Sixteen Concerned Scientists: No Need to Panic About Global Warming, physicist Ivar Giaever is quotes the American Physical Society policy on global warming: 'The evidence is incontrovertible …
So I've been interested in Bayesian analysis for some time. It has a fascinating history, described in detail in "The theory that would not die" by McGrayne - a truly wonderful …
Given how I seem to support no delusions, how can I justify perpetuating the myth of Santa Claus with my kids (oldest nearing 10)? First, I have to say I …
I just got a [shout out from The Legal Watchdog, Michael Cicchini][] for a post I did on [dark matter and the speed of light][]. His response to my criticism …
Here is an interesting site ["The Bible Foreshadows Scientific Discoveries"][] where there are quotes from the Bible that supposedly pre-dated the actual scientific discoveries. It is interesting for the number …
I have often heard the charge that critics of the concept of God are simply closed to the possibility of a transcendent being, or of miracles, or of the supernatural …
These two terms that I had never heard before came up when listening to some Christian apologetic podcasts (specifically Please Convince Me and Stand to Reason). There seems to be …
One of the so-called fine-tuned parameters in our solar system (fine-tuned specifically for the development of complex life) is that we have a planet with a large moon (compared to …
During a debate on evolution and design, Professor Edgar Andrews from Queen Mary College London stated that there were four things that science could never explain. He pointed out that …
From: Steven Winsor Subject: FW: Remember This Guy? - Genius! Date: November 30, 2011 10:20:43 AM EST To: Brian Blais
See last Reagan he right? J
Not …
So I was asked recently "what was wrong with someone who, because of their religious convictions, chooses not to participate in scientific research (the example used was nuclear bomb research …
In preparing for a talk on Science and Religion, I came upon this somewhat amusing example. I did a google search for "Best evidence for..." and filled in one of …
A very reasoned addition to the climate change discussion. Well done!
One of the things that I noticed, starting as an undergraduate and moving into graduate school, is that scientists have a peculiar sort of conservative language. They'll say things like …
In Cranston, RI there is a lawsuit about a mural depicting a school-sanctioned prayer. The image of the mural is here:
The student was offended by having this prayer here …