
Books that I have written.


Dynamical systems simulation in Python. Includes both continuous and stochastic simulation.

Stats for Everyone

An introductory stats book from a Bayesian perspective, including Python software.



One last TV post, about Battlestar Galactica

No TV posts for a while after this one...just trying to clear my desk.

There are a number of things that bother me about BSG. This list is here …



Battlestar Galactica, Lost, and Babylon 5: To Plan or not to Plan

I'll get back to more academic things shortly, but I wanted to get this one off my chest. I just finished watching the entire series of Battlestar Galactica, which I …



Lord of the Rings

I have a backlog of blog posts that I wanted to get caught up on. This blog has been pretty academic lately, so I figured a change of pace would …



Nice talk about science and vaccination

The site is a really great site to find talks on lots of different topics. The one I recently listened to is …



The Not-so-Hidden Flaw in this Climate Argument

There are sometimes people think that I am a global warming denier (I'm not), but I am not entirely convinced that the dire predictions from the global warming camp are …



Coin flips and names (Evil problems in probability continued)

In my post about the girl-named-Florida problem, there is a factor in the analysis looking at the probability of having a girl named Florida given that you have two girls …



Magnetic therapy getting under my skin


Every year my family goes to the flower show in Providence. It's a nice time, seeing flowers in the middle of February, snacking on the pretzel and dip samples …



Faith and Science

I was listening to a very nice talk by Ken Miller, from Brown University. He's the Biology professor who testified in the Dover Evolution Trial. The reason that he is …



A couple of interesting videos

With the advent of computer technology, it can be challenging to distinguish fact from fiction.  Both of the videos below are, in my opinion, strikingly real but are both fake …



Creativity, Science, and the Brain

In my post about Bruce Hood's interview I said there wasn't anything I disagreed with. After re-listening to it, I find my position is a bit more nuanced. I'd still …



A teachable moment...lost

So I just watched the Mythbusters episode where they recreate the bus jump from the movie Speed. They do two things: a miniature version and full-scale recreation. In their miniature …



There once was a girl named Florida (a.k.a Evil problems in probability)

In a [previous post][] I described the Monty Hall problem, and noted that a simulation can often lead to clarity of thinking on tough probability problems. I take another example …



Weird associations and the brain

You ever have deja vu? The brain associates many things together, and can often give you the visceral feeling that you've been there before. For several years I have had …



Cool little fact of the day...

Did you know that if you interleave the pages of two phone books, that it is nearly impossible to separate?

For those Mythbusters aficionados this won't be news, but since …



Polar Bears, Data, Opinions, and Global Warming

So I had a nice discussion with a student, who was confused after receiving some opposing viewpoints on Global Warming from different professors in a relatively short time period. In …



Open Information, Reproducible Research, and Climategate

David Donoho, the creator of Wavelab is featured in an article about [reproducible research in the journal CISE (Computing in Science and Engineering)]. I am struck by the resonance of …



Word of the Day: Micromort

I'm not starting a new "word of the day" series, but I did learn this work today from the following video on risk analysis:
youtube …



Climate Change Denial is not the same as Evolution Denial

Articles like this one and this one and others make the comparison between, what they call, global warming deniers and evolution deniers (aka Intelligent Design (ID) proponents), and even holocaust …
