Books that I have written.
Books that I have written.
Podcasts and Videos in which I have appeared or which I have created.
Dynamical systems simulation in Python. Includes both continuous and stochastic simulation.
An introductory stats book from a Bayesian perspective, including Python software.
No TV posts for a while after this one...just trying to clear my desk.
There are a number of things that bother me about BSG. This list is here …
I'll get back to more academic things shortly, but I wanted to get this one off my chest. I just finished watching the entire series of Battlestar Galactica, which I …
I have a backlog of blog posts that I wanted to get caught up on. This blog has been pretty academic lately, so I figured a change of pace would …
The site is a really great site to find talks on lots of different topics. The one I recently listened to is …
There are sometimes people think that I am a global warming denier (I'm not), but I am not entirely convinced that the dire predictions from the global warming camp are …
In the face of Obama's new healthcare initiative, which includes provisions to cap the increases in insurance costs, you can [read here a nice description of the problems of fixing …
In my post about the girl-named-Florida problem, there is a factor in the analysis looking at the probability of having a girl named Florida given that you have two girls …
Every year my family goes to the flower show in Providence. It's a nice time, seeing flowers in the middle of February, snacking on the pretzel and dip samples …
In a post about Ten Principles of Economics, Harvard Professor Greg Mankiw writes a little acrostic device about economics. In addition to things like "Everything has a cost. There …
I was listening to a very nice talk by Ken Miller, from Brown University. He's the Biology professor who testified in the Dover Evolution Trial. The reason that he is …
With the advent of computer technology, it can be challenging to distinguish fact from fiction. Both of the videos below are, in my opinion, strikingly real but are both fake …
In my post about Bruce Hood's interview I said there wasn't anything I disagreed with. After re-listening to it, I find my position is a bit more nuanced. I'd still …
Have a listen to this excellent interview of neuroscientist Bruce Hood. I can't think of a single thing I disagreed with this guy on. I may have more specific to …
So I just watched the Mythbusters episode where they recreate the bus jump from the movie Speed. They do two things: a miniature version and full-scale recreation. In their miniature …
In a [previous post][] I described the Monty Hall problem, and noted that a simulation can often lead to clarity of thinking on tough probability problems. I take another example …
You ever have deja vu? The brain associates many things together, and can often give you the visceral feeling that you've been there before. For several years I have had …
Did you know that if you interleave the pages of two phone books, that it is nearly impossible to separate?
For those Mythbusters aficionados this won't be news, but since …
So I had a nice discussion with a student, who was confused after receiving some opposing viewpoints on Global Warming from different professors in a relatively short time period. In …
David Donoho, the creator of Wavelab is featured in an article about [reproducible research in the journal CISE (Computing in Science and Engineering)]. I am struck by the resonance of …
I'm not starting a new "word of the day" series, but I did learn this
work today from the following video on risk analysis:
youtube …
Articles like this one and this one and others make the comparison between, what they call, global warming deniers and evolution deniers (aka Intelligent Design (ID) proponents), and even holocaust …