
Books that I have written.


Dynamical systems simulation in Python. Includes both continuous and stochastic simulation.

Stats for Everyone

An introductory stats book from a Bayesian perspective, including Python software.



Football Physics Why I'm not Convinced the Patriots Cheated

In another post, I outlined how the drop in pressure was entirely consistent with what was measured with the laws of physics. That post was done when the only data …



We find God "not guilty" of existing

As part of the Unbelievable Project, I was listening to the Unbelievable podcast on the definition of atheism, whether it is "lack in a belief in God" or "believing that …



Expressing Ignorance or why Bayes is not to be feared

I continue with my critique of the article Why I am not a Bayesian by Greg Mayer, where complains about the Bayesian approach to inference, and then espouses Maximum Likelihood …



Priors vs Likelihoods or why Bayes is not to be feared

I was reading the article Why I am not a Bayesian where Greg Mayer complains about the Bayesian approach to inference, and espouses Maximum Likelihood methods. There is much to …



Superseding the $t$ test A Bayesian comparison of means

There's a very nice paper, Bayesian estimation supersedes the t test. John K. Kruschke, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2013, v.142(2), pp.573-603. The methods described provide at …



Simple Questions that Get to the Heart of the Matter

E. T. Jaynes wrote extensively about Bayesian inference, and one of his strategies was to use a "Galileo's telescope for statistics", such as outlined in his paper on Confidence Intervals …



Misquoting Hume The problem with words over math

I recall a comment in E. T. Jaynes' book about Laplace, where he realized that most of the arguments against the claims of Laplace were arguments against things Laplace never …



Demo vs Experiment Science fair gone wrong

I was a judge for a local science fair this past week, and found a number of projects lacking. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that one …



We should all be biased

A friend and colleague of mine said to me recently that she was nervous that she might become "biased against any new health invention/method/etc... because virtually all of …



LaTeX vs Word Why I Prefer The Less WYSIWYG Solution

Reading this review of a PloS One comparison between MS Word and LaTeX, I was struck by how much it resonates. There are many things that I do in both …



The Longest Night Ever Concerning Specialness and Understanding

I recently saw a claim that this past December 21 was the longest solstice night the history of the planet! When I first heard this, and when I …



Why Python is the language everyone should learn

I have been a fan of the Python programming language for many years. It was encouraging to me lately that there are two articles about Python, reiterating many of my …



Evolution and Morality We can do better

In an ongoing discussion about morality, I said

It is perfectly plausible to me that an evolutionary framework explains much of the process of getting our current moral intuitions, such …



Objective Morality Defined What do I mean anyway?

I was asked the following question about my claim that objective moral values exist:

When you say that you firmly believe in objective morality, do you mean objective relative to …



Objective Morality A Matter of Complexity

In a recent Dogma Debate Episode, we have a debate between the position of objective morality as espoused by Matt Dillahunty and subjective morality as espoused by John Figdor. I …



Statistical Inference for Everyone (sie)

This is a new approach to an introductory statistical inference textbook, motivated by probability theory as logic. It is targeted to the typical Statistics 101 college student, and covers the …
