
Books that I have written.


Dynamical systems simulation in Python. Includes both continuous and stochastic simulation.

Stats for Everyone

An introductory stats book from a Bayesian perspective, including Python software.



Unbelievable Project: The Probability of the Resurrection

The Probability of the Resurrection - Calum Miller & Chris Hallquist - Unbelievable? - 06 July 2013 – Is the resurrection 97% likley as Swinburne claims?

As part of the Unbelievable Project, I am taking …

#Unbelievable Project


The source of morality

Over at David Marshall’s blog he has another response in our ongoing conversation about the origins of morality, modern perspectives on slavery, and the roles of Christianity in it …



Christianity and morality

In a comment to one of my posts about miscellaneous Christian ideas, David Marshall asks the following question:

Why do you suppose that you think slavery is wrong?  How do …



Evidence Of Other Universes

When I see things like this, I recall pieces of apologetics like "everything that begins to exist has a cause", and "the existence of the multiverse is a bigger faith …



Star Trek and Storytelling

I'm a big fan of Star Trek. I grew up with it (on re-runs), followed the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine with interest. I did skip Voyager and Enterprise …



Creationist Math


So I got pointed to the, which if you haven't poked around on the site, you really should. It is quite interesting (not really in …



Design, the Origin of Life, and Creationism

I just listened to a recent Unbelievable podcast, an episode about the origin of life.  The creationist made the claim that all of the scientific attempts at a naturalistic, non-design …



Consciousness in infants

I've always been interested in the origin of consciousness, and am intrigued by attempts to quantify it and to detect it.  Arecent article in Science seems to address part …



Some recent presentations

For any that are interested, I've given or been part of a number of presentations recently. Two of particular interest were done today for Research and Engagement Day (REDay) at …



10 signs of intellectual honesty

This post, and others like it, are things I try to communicate to my students. Recognizing, and publicly acknowledging ones shortcomings, is a big one in my book.



A funny little probability problem - some closure


This weekend I got hooked on a funny little probability puzzle, and have finally found some closure. It started with an off-hand comment by a student, which led me …



A funny little probability problem - correct


In a previous post I made a calculation error, which arrived at an unintuitive result - a result that still stands. I got side-tracked with, what I thought, was an …



A funny little probability problem

(Note: this problem has an error...can you find it? I will post the correction ~~soon~~ here, which itself has some interesting properties)

We often make the important distinction between …



"Proof" that God exists


If you want some entertainment in the form of logical gymnastics, go to this page on the proof of god. If you're impatient, here is one of the arguments …



Unbelievable Project: Miracles and healing - is it evidence for the truth of Christianity?

Unbelievable? 17 Nov 2007 - Are miracles evidence for God? - 17 November 2007 -- Miracles and healing - is it evidence for the truth of Christianity?

As part of the Unbelievable Project, I …

#Unbelievable Project


Unbelievable Project: A "proxy" atheist explains why he can't believe

Unbelievable? 10 Nov 2007 - A "proxy" atheist explains why he can't believe - 10 November 2007 -- Radio Host Nick Pandolfi on being a 'proxy atheist'

As part of the Unbelievable Project …

#Unbelievable Project