Books that I have written.
Books that I have written.
Podcasts and Videos in which I have appeared or which I have created.
Dynamical systems simulation in Python. Includes both continuous and stochastic simulation.
An introductory stats book from a Bayesian perspective, including Python software.
As part of the Unbelievable Project, I am taking …
#Unbelievable Project
So I was listening to the Reasonable Doubts podcast, and in either the episode on the nativity or the one on the reasonableness of Christianity (both debates), the theist in …
Below is an excerpt from Dan Dennett's article article "tools for thinking". I heard an interview with him on Point of Inquiry, which I would say was just "ok". I …
Over at David Marshall’s blog he has another response in our ongoing conversation about the origins of morality, modern perspectives on slavery, and the roles of Christianity in it …
In a comment to one of my posts about miscellaneous Christian ideas, David Marshall asks the following question:
Why do you suppose that you think slavery is wrong? How do …
Over at David Marshall's blog he has posted a response to one of my Unbelievable Project posts (sidenote: I do promise to get back to that project...I have a …
I don't think I need to add anything to this one...the title and movie speak for themselves.
All right …
When I see things like this, I recall pieces of apologetics like "everything that begins to exist has a cause", and "the existence of the multiverse is a bigger faith …
I'm a big fan of Star Trek. I grew up with it (on re-runs), followed the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine with interest. I did skip Voyager and Enterprise …
I listened to a recent interview (Part 2) with Matthew Ferguson on the Don Johnson show, which I found pretty impressive. Matthew Ferguson has a very interesting blog that I …
So I got pointed to the, which if you haven't poked around on the site, you really should. It is quite interesting (not really in …
I just listened to a recent Unbelievable podcast, an episode about the origin of life. The creationist made the claim that all of the scientific attempts at a naturalistic, non-design …
I've always been interested in the origin of consciousness, and am intrigued by attempts to quantify it and to detect it. Arecent article in Science seems to address part …
For any that are interested, I've given or been part of a number of presentations recently. Two of particular interest were done today for Research and Engagement Day (REDay) at …
This post, and others like it, are things I try to communicate to my students. Recognizing, and publicly acknowledging ones shortcomings, is a big one in my book.
This weekend I got hooked on a funny little probability puzzle, and have finally found some closure. It started with an off-hand comment by a student, which led me …
In a previous post I made a calculation error, which arrived at an unintuitive result - a result that still stands. I got side-tracked with, what I thought, was an …
(Note: this problem has an error...can you find it? I will post the correction ~~soon~~ here, which itself has some interesting properties)
We often make the important distinction between …
If you want some entertainment in the form of logical gymnastics, go to this page on the proof of god. If you're impatient, here is one of the arguments …
As part of the Unbelievable Project, I …
#Unbelievable Project
As part of the Unbelievable Project …
#Unbelievable Project